The Seraphim Angels have given us a tool to deeply connect to the Sun and different planets of our Solar System.
Solar flares, Mercury (and more) in retrograde, and hard aspects, blocks or oppositions in your astrological chart – those of us who are sensitive to energy may be acutely aware of the disruptions these astrological influences can bring. But there is an answer: Seraphic Planetary Washes, a gift from the highest order of angels, the Seraphim. These planetary washes offer beneficial energies to counteract negative astrological aspects. The washes also carry profound healing potential for specific chakras and organ systems of the physical body.
With the help of the Seraphim Angels, you can receive the energetic qualities or attributes of a specific planet, integrating it into your energy field to help offset the negative effects that other cosmic energies might have on our bodies and emotions.
The washes have no prerequisite. Anyone can receive and benefit from them. They were channeled from a particular Seraph by Ruth Rendely, founder of the profound system of healing known as Seraphim Blueprint. This angelic source, the highest of the high, guarantees the purity and power of the energies received.
The benefits of each wash are listed below. These positive planetary atttributes are consistent with the metaphysical descriptions found in the teachings of Acutonics, Edgar Cayce, and Rudolph Steiner, among others.
Each wash takes about 9 minutes to receive, either in person, by phone or as a distant healing session. Based on the goals you’d like to achieve, you may choose one, several, or all eight washes consecutively in a single sitting.
The beneficial effects of a wash last from 10 days to one month. They are temporary in nature (just as we clean our living space on a continual basis) and it’s recommended that they be run in a repeating cycle for those who find them beneficial.
The Sun and each Planet represent specific types of energies and vibrations. A Seraphic Planetary Wash immerses you in that Planet’s energy and qualities – it’s like taking vitamins in order to enhance ones physical, emotional & spiritual abilities.
Sun (Solar) Wash
Perfect for those who experience light deprivation or depression during the winter or rainy season when you may not get much sunlight. Receiving this Solar energy wash makes one feel as though they spent a week on the beach basking in the sunshine. Bring sunglasses for your Third Eye!
•Enhancement of Power and Strength
•Experiencing and embracing the sun’s explosive nuclear energy as incredibly beautiful
•Oneness with the God Force
Chakras: Solar Plexus
Organs: Heart
Diseases: Heart and spine Influences: Vital, tonic, warming and drying. Relates to heart function and to vital energy
Mercury Wash
If you have trouble communicating in relationships; do not have confidence to voice opinions at work or wish to have communication with Etherical beings, the Mercurian Wash will be of interest to you.
•Better communication with both physical and non-physical beings
•Strengthening our clairaudient abilities
•Giving us the ability to speak more easily to our peers
•Boost confidence with public speaking
Chakras: Throat Chakra
Organs: Brain, Nerves and Respiratory
Diseases: Tremors, neuroses and insanity Influences: Cold and dry. Relates to the nervous system and to nervous activity
Venus Wash
When most of us think of Venus we think of Love in relationships, a connection to the heart. A Venusian Wash is beneficial to those who wish to have a deeper appreciation, or for those who too often see situations in a negative aspect, the bitter or sour side of things. The Venus energy will provide the ability to see life in a more positive manner.
•Purity that results from the burning away of impurity
•Innocence (re-created after the impurity or negative energy is removed)
•A sweetness of life, compassion
•A love and deeper appreciation for the fineness of life and luxury.
Chakras: Heart Chakra
Organs: Kidneys, Digestive system and Reproduction
Diseases: Digestive disorders Influences: Relaxing, warm and moist. Relates to nutrient assimilation, sugar metabolism, tissue tone and lymphatic function
Mars Wash
More masculine in expression, Mars has a great deal to do with our physical self for it rules the body. On the emotional level, it gives the drive to express our feelings forthrightly. A Martian wash of energy would be welcomed by those who need enhancement for the will to succeed in all aspects of life.
•”Can do” attitude
•Dynamic energy
Chakras: Solar Plexus and Sacral chakra
Organs: Arteries, Muscles, Reproduction and Teeth, Nails and Hair
Diseases: Cuts, injuries and bruises as well as fevers and inflammations with redness and heat Influences: Inflammatory, aggressive, eruptive, warm and dry, choleric. Relates to the sex drive and to oxygen metabolism.
Jupiter Wash
Is the energy that deals with the Super-conscious or Universal Self. Those who are searching for superb opportunities for expansion and success will find that Jupiter governs joy, luck and wellbeing. This relates not only to physical desires but also in spiritual growth.
•Good luck
•Prosperity and Abundance
•Feeling of one’s cup flowing over
Chakras: Throat Chakra, Crown Chakra and Sacral Chakra
Organs: Liver
Diseases: Liver disorders Influences: Expansive, nourishing, warm and moist, sanguine. Relates to the blood circulation, liver and fat metabolism and cellular nutrition.
Uranus Wash
If you feel like your life is mundane or boring, then the energy from Uranus could add a spark of the unusual or unique. Uranus is the planet of sudden and unexpected changes, rules freedom and originality.
•Genius (cognitive aspect)
•Inventiveness (creative aspect)
•Playfulness (emotional aspect)
•Sense of Humor (enhances inner child qualities)
Chakras: Crown Chakra
Organs: Endocrine system
Neptune Wash
This planet rules the next dimension and is an elusive, mysterious and subtle emanation. Neptune works through feeling and the imagination. A Neptunian wash may provide mediumistic ability and strengthen psychic abilities. It offsets personality traits that are too focused on “must do” with dreamlike, softer qualities to provide balance.
•Musical ability
•Spiritual ability (enhancements for cosmic consciousness and divine compassion)
•Understanding subtlety and nuances in everything
•Seeing God in others
Chakras: Third Eye Chakra
Organs: Endocrine system
Pluto Wash
Those who struggle with integrating the ego will reap many benefits from the Plutonian energies, which can put one in touch with consciousness and our universality. Pluto will force us to confront anything that is buried deep inside and is linked to assisting us with karmic responsibility.
•Results in better judgment
•Cuts through beliefs to see the real value of things
•Realization of evanescence of life
•Deeper appreciation
•Action based on life’s evanescence
•More direct, more to the point
Chakras: Higher Chakras
Organs: Testes
Saturn Wash
Saturn has just recently been added to the list of planetary washes available at this time, its attributes are perfect for this time of transformation here on Earth.
Saturn is for those looking for discipline and acceptance of Divine Timing. Saturn helps to easily notice and understand structures and hierarchical orders, helps to enter into established structures to allow facilitation of change from within. Saturn lays the foundation for some stability on personal levels even in times of societal turmoil, as well as helping to recognize the rewards resulting from hard learned lessons.
•Ancient Wisdom
•Unicameral Mind
•Lack of Individuation
•Communication with Gaia
•Knowledge of Dharma / assigned roles
Chakras: Root Chakra
Organs: Skeletal , Stomach and Spleen
How do I schedule a Seraphim Blueprint Planetary Wash?
A planetary wash takes 9 minutes to receive, and can be done either in person during a scheduled planetary wash meditation class, via Skype or distance healing. Each wash costs Php 500.00 and includes a personal angel message for you.
To receive a planetary wash, send Sarah a message at or click here.
I did Seraphim Healing on a friend who had lower back pain and was unable to find relief for a few weeks already. My friend described it as intense heat, like laser light flowing into her body. What’s amazing is, the pain disappeared afterwards! Thank you, Divine Source and Angels.
Arianne Olegario